Saturday, January 15, 2011

Journal sketches.

I have finally started to loosely do my artwork. Spontaneity is back as preciousness recedes. It is when we let go of the "aim" of getting it right, of getting it to "work" that lively work can happen. At least it is the case in my painting. For now I am using pen and ink, pencil, watercolour or whatever comes to hand. I am using my favourite small moleskin journals. I am however trying not to be conscious of using a lot of pages. I am trying to keep uppermost in my mind that it is all about the process and not about the resultant "product".
Here in Tamworth it is Country Music Festival time. So far I have seen bands and singers in all styles. Favourites have been a jug band, a blues group and a rock/folk group. It hasn't been too hot. A trip to Tasmania that we had been taking next week will be delayed due to the Brisbane Floods. My son is involved in working with the clean-up after working to sandbag ahead of the flood peak in Brisbane. It will be a matter of months just cleaning up. This is just a copy of one of my journal pages I did around my home out here. I am surrounded by trees from native eucalypts to large cypresses. The winds break the branches off the cypress and cause them to bend downwards. It is a hot day today but will be a beautiful evening sitting out on my front verandah with a gentle breeze having a glass of chilled white wine and watching the kangaroos come down next to the house to graze.

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